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Unity of the Church

“How wonderful it is for God’s people to come together in unity. That is where the Lord has promised His blessing”

Psalm 133:1-3


“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”

2 Chron 7:14


“The body though it is made up of many parts, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we are all baptised by one spirit into one body and we are given the one spirit to drink”

1 Cor 12:12


“Make every effort to keep the unity. There is one body and one Spirit. Just are you were called to one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” – Eph 4: 3-6



“May they (the Church) be one (United), so that the World will believe that you (God) sent me (Jesus). I gave them (the Church) glory (power) you (God) gave me (Jesus) so that they (the Church) may be one (United) just as you (God) and I (Jesus) are one. I (Jesus) in them (the Church) you (God) in me (Jesus) so that they (the Church) may be completely one (united together) in order that the World may know you (God) sent me (Jesus) and that you (God) loves them (the World) as you (God) loves me (Jesus)” John 17:21




Outcomes of Unity

5. Unity breaks strongholds.


To break strongholds we need to be committed, responsible and disciplined. We are in a spiritual war, between Heaven and Hell, Light and Darkness, Jesus and the Devil. We are in a battle. Do you believe that? For us a Church to be victorious and as individual people, we will need to be committed and disciplined. However, if everyone in the army fulfils their part and responsibilities, then the army moves with precision and purpose. If we stand together, move together and are committed to victory together, then the likelihood of victory is possible. A committed army is an awesome sight. This is true with the Church of God. Our unity will break strongholds



6. Unity brings the family of God together.


It is good to have fellowship together and to encourage and support one another. We are the family of God. It is difficult to be a family if its members are apart. Close relationships within the family is essential. Broken relationships or relationships that are far apart causes hardship and the family does not function as it should. How do we feel when one of our children feel they cannot be part of the family because of differences. Do we give up on them? No we persevere until the family is together. There is that sense of loss and absence. It doesn’t function like it should. This is how God feels when Churches do not come together. We are all part of God’s family.


Outcomes of Unity

Our Unity brings about 8 outcomes:

1. Unity brings about protection


In our togetherness God protects His flock and army. When we are not together the flock and army are vulnerable. There is greater strength in being togetherand we are not vulnerable

2. Unity expresses our in diversity.

Diversity makes up our unity. Unity expresses itself in variety. The variety and diversity of each church gives us strength. We serve a diverse and creative God

3. Unity brings about God’s blessing and power.


When a body is working properly together it has the potential to achieve many things, (i.e. an athlete). When an orchestra plays together it produces a wonderful music. So when God’s people come together there is great power and people’s lives are changed as a result of the unity.


4. Unity makes us whole.


Unity is about being made whole. The body needs all its parts to work together if it is to function smoothly. The people are the church’s body. All of us are important for the body to be whole and effective. It’s smoothness and saltiness us whole






7.  Unity brings about healing.

Instead of building walls between us of prejudice, suspicion, indifference, doctrine, and worship styles. We should bring these walls down. Instead of trying to make our church the biggest church. We become concerned about the Church of Jesus. Unity brings healing to God's family and healing to our community

8. Unity brings about transformation

Our unity brings about changes in our community. Our unity brings about a change in the spiritual landscape of the community.

Together we can make a difference. United we stand. Divided we fall.

God has given The Church all the resources & power to transform a local community, Nation, & World for God. The Church needs to stand up & fulfill its purpose & destiny.

What is God saying now to The Church.




We are to be lights that are to light up our communities.

The Church is to rise up and the blow wind into its sails

God is starting to join up the dots – connecting people in prayer to fulfil His purpose.      God delights in our unity

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