This is a shop based at 37A, Vicarage Field Shopping Centre. It provides free support services to people in Barking and is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday every week. See further details on the SOURCE tab
Hope 4 Barking Dagenham
This is an organisation that provides free service to homeless people. During the winter months it provides a 7 day Night Shelter. Please see Hope 4 Barking Dagenham tab
Barking KidzKlub
This is a childrens club that operates at Gascoigne Primary School on a Saturday 10.30-11.30am. Please see Barking KidzKlub tab
Pit Stop
This is a drop-in cafe for people who are homeless providing free food for homeless people. It is based at the SOURCE. Please see Pit Stop tab for further details
Young at Heart
This is a club for people aged over 65 years old. It is based at the SOURCE. Please see Young at Heart tab for further details
Barking Food Bank
Barking Food Bank is based at the Hope Family Centre and is open everyday except Tuesday and Sunday. Please see the Barking Food Bank tab
Barking Churches Music Academy
Barking Churches Music Academy is based at the United Reformed Church, Upney Lane, Barking and is open on a Saturday morning, providing keyboard, drums and guitar lessons at low prices. Please see the Barking Churches Music Academy tab for further details
Barking Business Chaplaincy
Barking Business Chapaincy is based at Vicarage Field Shopping Centre and provides emotional and spiritual support to employees and owners of shops within the shopping Centre. Please see the Barking Business Chaplaincy tab for further details
Back on Track
This is a drop-in for people who are homeless providing free support and help to gain benefits and accommodation. It is based at the SOURCE. Please see Back on Track tab for further details